Ryan Spencer Reed Art Gallery Showing

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Ryan Spencer Reed Art Gallery Showing: Despite Similarities to Reality, This is a Work of Fiction

September 11, 2015: Urban Edge Gallery in Waukegan, Illinois opened its doors for Ryan Spencer Reed’s art show Despite Similarities to Reality, This is a Work of Fiction. The photographs are meant to give some insight on what soldiers go through, whether it is in training, or when they are deployed. In spring of 2013, Ryan was approved to deploy to Afghanistan and document the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, also known as the Band of Brothers. The deployment was an effort to tell a story of one of the last units to deploy with a combat mission, Operation Enduring Freedom, and ending the longest running war in the history of the United States.

War has an impact on not only those fighting but everyone around them. You are left wondering “How much do I really now about the war???? and “What do our troops go through everyday???? However, you do realize that freedom isn’t free.

Ryan Spencer Reed is an American photographer whose journey documenting critical social issues began in 2002.  To read more about Ryan Spencer Reed, click here.

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