How to write a great online press release

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Press Release

PRWeb has given some of the best tips and tricks on how to write a great online press release. The Internet has changed the way people look and find information on businesses and products. Press releases are a great way to introduce a new product, service, business expansion, organizational involvement, or expert opinions.

A press release should be tailored for two audiences: the people searching for your business’s products and services; and the search engines that find your content and bring it to those people. A basic press release should have certain points addressed in order to grab a person’s attention. The basic points are:


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The following Do’s and Don’ts will help you make your press release even more impressionable.


• Start strong
• Identify yourself
• Write professionally
• Limit jargon
• Make sure your information is timely and informational
• Avoid clichés
• Pick an angle
• Use anchor text and features
• Illustrate the solution
• Don’t be afraid to toot your own horn
• Don’t give away all the secrets
• Stick to the facts
• Use active voice
• Economize your words
• Proofread


• All capital letters to emphasize anything
• Grammatical errors
• Lack of content and substance
• Advertisements or promotional language
• Hype
• Words “you???, “I???, or “we??? outside of a quoted statement

Your press release should not look like or read like an advertisement, direct marketing, or an open letter. The timeliness of the information being presented is also critical. When creating a press release, there must be a reason your organization is announcing the information.

Always remember to make sure charts and graphs can be displayed properly; convert them into images or PDFs so all browsers can display the information on a tablet, smartphone, or computer.

Press releases should be kept between 300-800 words. However, if you do not have enough content for more than a few sentences, then it is not worth introducing to the public. Hold off until you have more content that will interest the readers.

Read the full PDF article here:

Writing Great Online News Releases how to write a press release PR

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